New Methods for Organic Synthesis


Photo-/Electroredox catalysis has emerged as a prominent methodology in organic synthesis because it allows for the straightforward generation of high energy and reactive radical intermediates (typically by a PCET process), thereby unlocking reaction pathways that are difficult or even impossible to access using traditional routes. Most of these photoredox and electroredox strategies, however, ignore energy balance as they are characterized by low quantum yields and high energy light. To address the challenge of energy efficiency in photoredox methods and faradic efficiency in electroredox methods , we develop new homogeneous molecular and heterogeneous catalysts and photo-/electro- processes guided by detailed mechanistic insight that is obtained from a broad array of techniques, such as time-resolved spectroscopy and photocrystallography. This work allows for the design of optimized organic transformations including hydroaminations, hydroamidations, decarboxylations, and cross-coupling reactions. The net result of our studies is more efficient photo- and electro-redox synthetic methods that are sustainable.