Graduate Students

Bryce Anderson, PhD 2016

Julien Bachmann, PhD 2006

Bart Bartlett, PhD 2005

Kwabena Bediako, PhD 2015

Casey Brodsky, PhD 2018

Josh Brown, MS 2000

Matthew Chambers, PhD 2013

Zamyla Chan, PhD 2019

Chris Chang, PhD 2002

I–Jy Chang, PhD 1987

Michelle Chang, PhD 2003

Timothy Cook, PhD 2010

Casandra Cox, PhD 2014

Jillian Dempsey, SB 2005

Yong-qi Deng, PhD 1997

Joel Dulebohn, PhD 1995

Noémie Elgrishi, MS 2011

Daniel Engebretson, PhD 1998

Ryan Evenson, PhD 2024

Arthur Esswein, PhD 2007

Stephen Fried, SB 2009

Emmanuel Giannelis, PhD 1988

Daniel Graham, PhD 2015

David Gygi, PhD 2020

Robert Halbach, MS 2017

Christina Hanson, MS 2012

Wanda Hartmann,  PhD 1997

Sara Helvoigt Moran, PhD 1997

Alan Heyduk, PhD 2001

Justin Hodgkiss, PhD 2006

Andrew Horning, MS 2011

Tsui–Ling Hsu, PhD 1995

Michael Huynh, PhD 2016

Sun-Jun Hwang, PhD 2018

Evan Jones, PhD 2018

Julie Jackson, PhD 1989

Janice Kadis, PhD 1993

Thomas Keane, PhD 2021

Randal King, PhD 1989

James Kirby, PhD 1997

Bon Jun Koo, PhD 2016

David Krodel, MS 2002

Christopher Lemon, PhD 2016

Changhoon Lee, PhD 2011

Nancy Li, PhD 2018

Zhi-Heng Loh, SB 2003

Ann Macintosh, PhD 1997

Erin MacLachlan, MS 2001

Andrew Maher, PhD 2017

David Manke, PhD 2005

Charles Margarit, PhD 2019

Michael Marshak, PhD 2012

Emily McLaurin, PhD 2011

Douglas Motry, PhD 1995

Robert Mussell, PhD 1988

Emily Meyer, MS 2001

Mark Newsham, PhD 1988

Emily Nytko Lutz, PhD 2008

Lisa Olshansky, PhD 2015

Dimitris Papoutsakis, PhD 1998

Colleen Partigianoni, PhD 1991

Zoe Pikramenou, PhD 1993

Bradford Pistorio, PhD 2003

Arturo Pizano, PhD 2013

Steven Reece, PhD 2007

James Roberts, PhD 1997

Joel Rosenthal, PhD 2007

Christina Rudzinski, PhD 2001

Eric Saari, PhD 1998

Yeung-gyo Shin, PhD 1991

Rebecca Somers, PhD 2008

Yogi Surendranath, PhD 2011

Thomas Teets, PhD 2012

Mark Torgerson, PhD 1996

Claudia Turró, PhD 1992

Andrew Ullman, PhD 2015

Samuel Veroneau, PhD 2024

Jeremey Warner, MS 2016

Aetna Wun Trombley, PhD 2005

Jay Yang, MS 2008

Jennifer Yang, PhD 2007

Elizabeth Young, PhD 2009

Jeong–a Yu, PhD 1990

Jeffrey Zaleski, PhD 1993

Benjamin Zhang, PhD 2021

current position

Senior Software Engineer, Apple

Prof Chemistry, FAU of Erlangen-Nürnberg

Prof Chemistry, U Michigan

Assoc Prof Chemistry, UC Berkeley

Medical Student, U Michigan

Assoc Prof Philosophy, Gustavus Adolphus College

Asst Prof Chemistry, LSU

Acceleration Consortium, U Toronto

Prof Chemistry, Princeton U

Prof Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal U

Prof Chemistry, Princeton U

Prof Chemistry, U Buffalo

Sales Force Lead, Envu

Prof Chemistry, U North Carolina

CEO, Keythera Pharmaceuticals

Adj Prof Chemistry, Lansing Community College

Asst Prof Chemistry, LSU

Prof and Vice President Research, U South Dakota

Postdoctoral Fellow, ALS, LBNL

Group Manager, Battery Supply Chain, Tesla

Asst Prof Chemistry, Johns Hopkins U

Prof Material Science, Cornell U

Senior R&D Chemist, Strem Chemicals

Medicinal Chemist, Stealth Mode Biotech

New Product Development Scientist, Entegris

R&D Engineer, Los Alamos National Lab

Senior Scientist, Abbott Molecular

Account Director, GSW Advertising

Prof Chemistry, UC Irvine

Prof Chemistry, Victoria U Wellington NZ

Senior Analyst, Lawrence Livermore National Lab

Associate Director R&D, Alkermes

Senior Software Engineer, Google

Asst Prof Chemistry, POSTECH

Attorney, Wolf-Greenfield

Environmental Specialist, Bayer

Prof Chemistry, Seminole Community College

Patent Agent, Morrison & Foerster LLP

Vice President of Technology, DuPont Electronics

Fordham U/Planetary Sci. Inst., Mercer Island

Associate Director, Intellia Therapeutics

Physician, Children’s Hospital of Chicago

Asst Prof Chemistry, Montana State U

Research Scientist, LG Energy Solution

Project Leader, Boston Consulting Group

Assoc Prof Chemistry, Nanyang Technological U

Assoc Prof Chemistry, Morehead State U


Patent Agent, Wolf-Greenfield LLC

Assoc Prof Chemistry, U Mass Dartmouth

Analyst, V-Bio Ventures

CEO, Otoro Energy

Kansas State U/Ballast Point Brewing & Spirits

Assoc Prof Chemistry, Kent State U

Senior Technical Leader, Dow Chemical Company


Senior Technical Leader, Dow Chemical Company

Patent Attorney, Reddie & Grose of London UK

Asst Prof Chemistry, U Illinois Urbana-Champaign

A celebrated spirit in our remembrance

Prof Chemistry, Ferris State U

Prof Chemistry, U Birmingham UK

Director of R&D, L‘Oreal

Engagement Manager, McKinsey & Company

Senior Chemistry Manager, Lockheed-Martin

Global Business Development, SLD Laser

Prof Chemistry, U Delaware

Assistant Head of Biotechnology, MIT Lincoln Labs


Prof Chemistry, Kean U

Partner, McKinsey & Company

Prof Chemistry, MIT

Assoc Prof Chemistry, U Houston

Technical Marketing Manager, Covestro

Prof Chemistry, Ohio State U

Distinguished Staff Fellow, Oak Ridge Natl. Labs

Postdoctoral Fellow, U Pennsylvania

Medical School, U Cambridge UK

President & CEO, Lycia Therapeutics

Patent Examiner, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Prof Chemistry, UC Irvine

Assoc Prof Chemistry, Lehigh U

Prof Chemistry, Chosun U

Prof Chemistry, DARPA, Indiana U

Senior Engineer, Mojave Energy Systems

postdoctoral Students

Alfred Barney, 1997–1999

Theodore Betley, 2005–2007

Eric Bloch, 2014–2016

Scott Carpenter, 1998–2001

Leng Leng Chng, 2001–2003

Ronny Costi, 2009–2011

Casandra Cox, 2014–2015

Chang Cui, 2017–2023

Niels Damrauer, 2001–2003

Yongqi Deng, 1997–1999

Mircea Dincă, 2008–2009

Dilek Dogutan, 2008–2011

Joseph Elias, 2016–2019

Xiaowen Feng, 2015–2020

Danna Freedman, 2009–2012

Christopher Gagliardi, 2013–2014

Manas Kumar Ghosh, 2017–2019

Miguel Gonzalez, 2018–2023

Thomas Gray, 2002–2004

Brandon Greene, 2015–2019

Andrew Greytak, 2006–2009

Daniel Grohol, 1998–2004

Stanislav Groysman, 2009–2011

Ryan Hadt, 2014–2015

Jeffrey Hirsch, 2001–2002

Patrick Holder, 2009–2013

Tatsuhiko Honda, 2012–2013

Seungwoo Hong, 2014–2015

Matthew Kanan, 2005–2009

Elizabeth Karnas, 2010–2012

Richard Kelley, 2007–2009

Thomas Kempa, 2013–2015

Alexander Krivokapic, 2003–2004

Timothy Kucharski, 2010–2013

Bryan Kudisch, 2020–2023

Jean Le Bideau, 1995–1996

Seung-Woo Lee, 2009–2012

Ronald Lessard, 1988–1990

Chong Liu, 2015–2017

Mengran Liu, 2016–2019

Shih–Yuan Liu, 2003–2006

Yi Liu, 2009–2013

Daniel Lutterman, 2007–2011

Benjamin Martindale, 2017–2019

Robert McGuire, 2009–2011

Tyrel McQueen, 2009

Jonathan Melnick, 2007–2010

Scott Miller, 1999–2002

Mark Mortellaro, 1994–1996

Matthew Nava, 2018-2022

Aaron Odom, 1998–1999

Tuncay Ozel, 2015–2018

Guillaume Passard, 2014–2016

Dimitris Papoutsakis, 1998–2001

Poul Petersen, 2006–2009

Joep Pijpers, 2009–2011

David Powers, 2011–2013

Yangzhong Qin, 2017–2021

Jude Rademacher, 1996–1997

Alex Radosevich, 2007–2009

Adam Reith, 2019–2022

Manolis Roumpelakis, 2009–2013

Serge Ruccola, 2016–2018

Jaeyune Ryu, 2021–2023

Kelsey Sakimoto, 2016–2018

Chris Schnedermann, 2017–2019

Matthias Schwalbe, 2008–2009

Rebecca Sherbo, 2019-2022

Matthew Shores, 2002–2004

Preston Snee, 2003–2006

Jake Soper, 2003–2005

Sebastian Stoian, 2007–2009

Mark Symes, 2009–2010

Agnes Thorarinsdottir, 2020-2023

Michael Tornaritis, 1988–1989

Niels van Dantzig, 1994–1996

Adam Veige, 2002–2004

Dino Villagrán, 2006–2010

Glen Walker, 1999–2001

Yiming Wang, 2020–2024

William Woodford, 2014

Chen–Yu Yeh, 1999–2000

Zongyou Yin, 2014–2016

Qilei Zhu, 2019-2022


Technical Director, Ascensus Specialties

Prof Chemistry, Harvard U

Prof Chemistry, Indiana U

Principal Systems Engineer, BAE Systems

Senior Scientist, Quaker Houghton, Singapore

Group Leader, Landa Labs

Marketing Process Manager, Bayer Crop Science

Asst Prof Biochem, U Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Prof Chemistry, U Colorado Boulder

CEO, Keythera Pharmaceuticals

Prof Chemistry, Princeton U

Principal Research Scientist, Chemistry, Harvard U

Asst Prof Chemistry, Simmons U

Partner, IMO Ventures

Prof Chemistry, MIT

Director of Investments, Sanofi Ventures

Postdoctoral Fellow, Texas A&M

Asst Prof Chemistry, Dartmouth U

Prof Chemistry, Case Western Reserve U

Asst Prof Chemistry, UC Santa Barbara

Prof Chemistry, U South Carolina

Research Scientist, Dow Chemical Company

Prof Chemistry, Wayne State U

Asst Prof Chemistry, Caltech

Manager of Research, Thermo Fisher Scientific

Senior Principal Scientist, Genentech

Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation

Assoc Prof Chemistry, Ewha Womens University

Assoc Prof Chemistry, Stanford U

Patent Attorney, Novartis

Task Lead, Institute for Defense Analysis

Assoc Prof Chemistry, Johns Hopkins U

Senior Scientist, Institute for Energy Oslo Norge

Senior Engineer, Electric Hydrogen

Asst Prof Chemistry, Florida State U

Prof Chemistry, U Nantes

Asst Prof Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Tech

Consultant, Energy Sector, San Fran CA

Assoc Prof Chemistry, UCLA

Technology Specialist, Proskauer Rose LLP

Prof Chemistry, Boston College

Staff Scientist, Siemens Healthineers

R&D Scientist, Oak Ridge National Labs

Associate Editor, Nature Catalysis

Group Leader Zeolites, BASF

Prof Physics, Johns Hopkins U

Director of Research, Lux Research

Principal Development Engineer, ThermoFisher Sci.

Senior Principal Scientist, Senseonics

Asst Prof Chemistry, UCLA

Prof Chemistry, Michigan State U

Senior Display Engineering Manager, Apple

Project Manager of Energy Environment, Alcimed

A celebrated spirit that lives in our remembrance

Prof Chemistry, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Senior Manager, First Solar

Assoc Prof Chemistry, Texas A&M

Senior Scientist, Merck

College of Wooster/Scientist, AkzoNobel

Prof Chemistry, MIT

Director of R&D, Boston Metal

Senior Research Chemist, Evonik Industries

Senior Scientist, Merck

Asst Prof Chemistry/Chem Eng, Seoul National U

Visiting Lecturer, Wellesley College

Cavendish Laboratory, U Cambridge UK

Prof Chemistry, Humboldt U of Berlin

Asst Prof Chemistry, Northeastern U

Prof Chemistry, Colorado State U

Assoc Prof Chemistry, U Illinois Chicago

Assoc Prof Chemistry, Georgia Tech

Asst Prof Chemistry, U Idaho

Prof Chemistry, U Glasgow

Asst Prof Chemistry, University of Rochester

U Cyprus/Cyprus Institute of Child Health

Product Manager, Senior Business Analyst, Elsevier

Prof Chemistry, U Florida

Prof Chemistry, U Texas El Paso

Principal Regulatory Scientist, Australian Govt.

Asst Prof Chemistry, Haverford College

Chief Technology Officer, Form Energy

Prof Chemistry, National Chung Hsing U

Assoc Prof Chemistry, Australian National U

Asst Prof Chemistry, U Utah